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Journal Publications

Mahdi Zeidi and Chun IL Kim (2018), "The effects of intra-membrane viscosity on lipid membrane morphology: complete analytical solution, Scientific Reports-Nature (Accepted for publication)
Chun IL Kim and Mahdi Zeidi (2018), "Gradient elasticity theory for fiber composites with fibers resistant to extension and flexure", International Journal of Engineering Science (Accepted for publication)
Mahdi Zeidi and Chun IL Kim (2018), "Mechanics of an elastic solid reinforced with bidirectional fiber in finite plane elastostatics: complete analysis", Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 30 (3), 573-592
Mahdi Zeidi and Chun IL Kim (2018), "Finite plane deformations of elastic solids reinforced with fibers resistant to flexure: complete solution" , Archive of Applied Mechanics, 1-17
Mahdi Zeidi and Chun IL Kim (2017), "Notes on the Superposed Incremental Deformations in the Mechanics of Lipid Membranes" Math. Mech. Solids. Do1:1081286517734608
Mahdi Zeidi and Chun IL Kim (2017), "Mechanics of fiber composites with fibers resistant toextension and flexure" Math. Mech. Solids.DOI:10.1177/1081286517728543
C. I. Kim "A Discussion on the Mechanics of Lipid Membranes: Lagrange multipliers and a singular substrate"Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik. 68 (4), 84.
T. Belay, C. I. Kim and P. Schiavone. "Mechanics of lipid bilayer subjected to thickness distension and membrane budding" Math. Mech. Solids. 1-18 (2016).
C. I. Kim. “Mechanics of lipid membranes subjected to boundary excitations and an elliptic substrate interactions” Multiscale & Multiphysics Mechanics.1 (3), 245-259 (2016).
T. Belay, C. I. Kim and P. Schiavone. “Budding formation of lipid membranes in response to the surface diffusion of transmembrane proteins and line tension.” Math. Mech. Solids. 1-17 (2016).
Belay, T., Kim, C. I. and Schiavone, P., “Analytical solution of lipid membrane morphology subjected to boundary forces on the edges of rectangular membrane. Continuum Mech. Thermodyn., 28, 305–315 (2016).
Belay, T., Kim, C. I. and Schiavone, P., “Interaction induced morphological transitions of lipid membranes in contact with an elliptical cross section of a rigid substrate”, ASME Journal of applied mechanics, 83(1), 011001 (2016).
Kim, C. I., "On the Mechanics of Lipid Membranes: Constitutive Modeling and Analysis", Computational Structural Engineering Vol. 28 No. 2:36-44 (2015).
Kim, C. I. and David, D. J., "Distension-induced Gradient Capillarity in Lipid Membranes", Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, in press (2014).
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "Effects of Boundary Reinforcement on Local Singular Fields in Linear Elastic Materials", Archives of Mechanics, 65(4), 289 – 300 (2013).
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "A Clarification of the Role of Cracktip Conditions in Linear Elasticity with Surface Effects", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 18(1), 59–66 (2013).
Kim, C. I., Ru, C-Q., Sudak, L. J. and Schiavone, P., "Analysis of Local Singular Fields Near the Corner of a Quarter-Plane with Mixed Boundary Conditions in Finite Plane Elastostatics", International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 47(2), 151–155 (2012).
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "Analysis of Plane-Strain Crack Problems (Mode I and Mode II) in the Presence of Surface Elasticity", Journal of Elasticity, 104(1-2), 397-420 (2011).
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "The Effect of Surface Elasticity on a Mode-III Interface Crack", Archives of Mechanics, 63(3), 267 – 286 (2011).
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "Effect of Surface Elasticity on an Interface Crack in Plane Deformations", Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 467, 3530–3549 (2011).
Kim, C. I., "An Analysis of an Elastic Solid Incorporating a Crack Under the Influences of Surface Effects in Plane & Anti-plane Deformations", Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, 4(2), 123-137 (2011).
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "Analysis of a Mode-III Crack in the Presence of Surface Elasticity and a Prescribed Non-Uniform Surface Traction", Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), 61(3), 555 -564 (2010).
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "The Effects of Surface Elasticity on an Elastic Solid with Mode-III Crack: Complete Solution", ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 77(2), 021011-1~021011-7 (2010).
Kim, C. I. and Schiavone, P., "An Elliptic Inhomogeneity Subjected to a General Class of Nonuniform Remote Loadings in Finite Elasticity", Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 14(4), 421-442 (2009).
Kim, C. I. and Schiavone, P., "Finite Plane Deformations of a Three-phase Circular Inhomogeneity-Matrix System", Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 353(1), 161–171 (2009).
Kim, C. I. and Schiavone, P., "Designing an Inhomogeneity with Uniform Interior Stress in Finite Plane Elastostatics", Acta Mechanica, 197(3-4), 285-299 (2008).
Kim, C. I., Vasudevan, M. and Schiavone, P., "Eshelby's Conjecture in Finite Plane Elastostatics", The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 61(1), 63-73 (2008).
Kim, C. I. and Schiavone, P. “A Circular Inhomogeneity Subjected to Nonuniform Remote Loading in Finite Plane Elastostatics.” Int. J. Nonlinear Mech. 42(8): 989-999 (2007).
Conference Proceedings

Chun il Kim and Mahdi Zeidi (2018), "Strain-gradient Theory of an Elastic Solids Reinforced with Bidirectional Fiber in Finite Plane Elastostatics", Canada-Korea Conference on Science and Technology(CKC 2018), Vancouver, Canada.
Chun il Kim Mahdi Zeidi (2018), "Morphological Transitions of Lipid Membranes Subjected to Intra-membrane Viscous flow and substrate interactions" Canada-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (CKC 2018), Vancouver, Canada.
Chun-Il Kim, T. Belay and Peter Schiavone. "Mechanics of lipid membranes: Superposed incremental deformations, vesicle formations, thickness distension". The 2017 World Congress on Advances in Cvil, Environmental & Materials Research (ACEM 17), Ilsan, Korea (2017).
Chun-Il Kim. "On the Role of Surface Effects in the Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics". SIAM 2017, Pittsburgh, USA (2017).
Chun-Il Kim, T. Belay and Peter Schiavone. "On the mechanics of lipid membranes: budding formation, diffusion of transmembrane proteins and line tension". The 2016 World Congress on Advances in Cvil, Environmental & Materials Research (ACEM 16), Jeju, Korea (2016).
T. Belay, Chun-Il Kim and Peter Schiavone. "The role of line tension on budding formation induced by diffusion of proteins on lipid bilayer, The 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2016), Montreal, Canada (2016)
Chun-Il Kim and David J. Steigmann “Continuum based modeling and analysis of biomembranes: thickness distension and boundary interactions”. International Symposium on Material Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea (2016).
Chun-Il Kim and David J. Steigmann. “Mechanics of lipid membranes subjected to thickness distension and boundary interactions”. Society of Natural Philosophy. Calgary, Canada (2015).
Chun-Il Kim.“BIOLOGICAL MEMBRANES: MODELING AND ANALYSIS”. Canada-Korea Conference on Science and Technology. Kananaskis, Canada, 2015-07-26
Kim, C.I.“Gradient Elasticity on theMechanics of Composites Reinforced with Finley Dispersed Fibers with Bending Resistance.” Symposium on Multiscale & Multiphysics Mechanics (MMM’14), Gyeongju, Korea, (2014).
Schiavone, P. and Kim, C. I., Ru, C-Q., "Effects of Boundary Reinforcement on Local Singular Fields in Linearly Elastic Materials, Society of Engineering Science, United States, Rhode Island, Providence,2013-07-28
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "Plane-strain Interface Crack in the Presence of Surface Elasticity" International Conference on Material Modelling incorporating the 12th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, France, Paris, 2011-08-31.
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "An Analysis of the Effects of Surface Elasticity on an Elastic Solid Incorporating a Crack (Mode-I & II): Complete Solution" The Society of Engineering Science (SES), United States, Iowa, Ames,2010-10-03.
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "The Effects of Surface Elasticity on an Elastic Solid with a Crack (Mode-I, II & III): Complete Solution" IUTAM Symposium on Surface Effects in the Mechanics of Nanomaterials and Heterostructures, China, Beijing, 2010-08-08.
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "The Effects of Surface Elasticity on an Elastic Solid with a Crack" Advances in Interaction & Multiscale Mechanics (AIMM 10), Republic of Korea, Jeju, 2010-05-31.
Kim, C. I., Schiavone, P. and Ru, C-Q., "The Effects of Surface Elasticity on an Elastic Solid with Mode-III Crack" Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM), Canada, Nova Scotia, Halifax, 2009-05-31.
Kim, C. I. and Schiavone, P. “A Circular Inhomogeneity Subjected to Nonuniform Remote Loading in Finite Plane Elastostatics.” Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM), Toronto, Ryerson University (2007).
Kim, C. I., Han, G. J., Sim, J. J., Han, D. S., Lee, S. U., and Kim, T.H. “A Study on Stability of the Container Crane with Respect to the Direction of Wind Load.” Korean Society for Precision Engineering (KSPE), Deagu, Yungnam University, Korea (2004).
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